
training- week 1 in progress.

I :heart: tempo runs.

Wednesday was my very first attempt at a tempo run and I impressed myself. To begin with, the weather was in the high 30s. The plan was 30 minutes of running, so I set my watch and was off. I wasn't sure about my performance with weather that cool (I'm NOT a cold weather runner), but as I started out, my lungs seemed to be handling the cold pretty well. I regulated my breathing as I always do, and tried warming up my nose, which was the coldest part of my body. I felt awesome. I'm becoming more and more of an outside runner, that's for sure. I looped around my neighborhood and was enjoying my surroundings...and I guess I didn't realize how fast I was running.

I recorded my time and figured out the length of the route- 3.2 miles!!! That's around a 9:20 minute mile!!! That is SUPER quick for me. I'm most comfortable at a 10:40-11 minute pace...but I guess my training is starting to pay off in faster pace times! Awesome.

Today was an easy run. 3 miles on the treadmill. Boring. I need to update my iPod playlist sometime soon!

1 comment:

  1. Great job, angelise! You'll be running sub 28 5K's before you know it, lil' miss speedy pants!
