
surprise!!! it's a...

My biggest fear in the aftermath of the winter storm this past week was that my BIG ultrasound appointment scheduled for Thursday would be cancelled or postponed. We'd already waited almost 19 weeks to find out the gender of our little peanut- I knew I would be unable to stand it if I had had to wait any longer! So when I got confirmation that my appointment was still on, I breathed a sigh of relief. Matt and I knew this baby was going to be another boy anyway based on comparing this pregnancy with my 2 previous ones, so I have no idea why I was so on edge. I guess it was just excitement that we were finally going to know for sure and start the big planning- finalizing name, room decor, etc.

Since I'm considered advanced maternal age, I had to have a Level II ultrasound performed at a perinatalogist's office. That meant one scan with an ultrasound tech, and one scan with the doctor. The ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to find out gender and I said yes! She was so calm as she ran the wand over my belly and we saw our precious little one perfectly formed on the screen and looking strong and healthy. At the same time, I could feel my blood pressure rising and my nerves balling as the moment of truth came closer and closer. Then...

"Hmmm...it looks like a girl to me!"

Um, excuse me? Are you sure? Can you please check again? It's supposed to be a boy!!!

"I'm pretty sure...but I'll have the doctor verify for you."

I couldn't believe it. I was so sure it was another boy! So much for maternal instinct.

Then the doctor came in and explained a few things to us as she looked our baby (girl?) over. She confirmed with 99% certainty that our little bean is indeed a baby girl. My husband and I were both hoping for a girl even though a boy would have been wonderful, not to mention more economical. But I think we both wanted the daughter dynamic to even out our family a bit. :) So even though we are still recovering from the shock, we are over the moon. Logan and Meyer are going to be the best big brothers ever. Hooray for little girls!!


18 inches!

The snow ended around 10:00 this morning and the final accumulation for us was around 18 inches. Man, this was the craziest winter storm I've ever seen. Matt, the boys and I were watching for awhile out of Logan's bedroom window last night and the wind and blowing snow was an amazing sight. Lots of drifts so I can imagine total accumulation was hard to figure out. I have to give kudos to our little town- roads were plowed in record time!! And many kudos to my awesome husband, who spent hours digging us out and then dug our neighbors out too!


The boys having fun:


whiteout 2011 is in progress.

2 FEET of snow?? Hell, I hate having 2 INCHES of snow. Not the biggest fan of the white stuff. It's coming down pretty heavy right now, so we'll see how many inches we accumulate. Anyone want to place a wager? Closest guess gets to shovel my driveway! Ha! Stay tuned!