
i *heart* life.

My goodness, my life must seem so mundane sometimes. But mostly, this journal is for me...so I can record memories (since my memory is not so hot these days) of way back when my kids were small and each day was a treasure. And of other things too...like when I was a running maniac (not compared to some, but definitely for me!), when my kids still did and said adorable things, etc.

I just got back from a 3 mile run with the kids in the jogging stroller. Logan fell asleep on the ride. He does that sometimes- but I'm not surprised it happened today as the kids were up before 5 this morning. I let him sleep in the stroller and checked on him frequently. I heard him stirring so I went out to get him and as we're coming in, Meyer waves to him and says hi! Of course, Logan ignored it, but I thought it was darling and I'm so glad I got to see him do that!! Meyer is growing up so fast. It's incredible to me.

1 comment:

  1. Very adorable :) Love to read your blog about your 'mundane' life! I hope to have a life similar to it someday ; )

    You HAVE to subscribe to this blog that's featured on Bright Side today btw. SO US!


    Love you!
