This past weekend was filled with family, friends, fun and forgetfulness.
To start, I used to pride myself on my memory. I could remember the tiniest detail, I never forgot a face or a name that went along with that face. My sister and I used to compare ourselves to swiss cheese- we were able to fill in the holes of each other's memories. Then I had kids and became a stay at home mom and my memory disappeared along with a few other things about my former self. Now I am the swiss cheese, except my brain has all the holes.
Friday kicked everything off. We decided it would be fun to meet some friends up at a local carnival. Logan is not crazy about rides. Who am I kidding? He won't even ride the merry-go-round at the zoo. But he loves a good train ride so I figured he'd be happy riding the train all evening. Which he did, twice and then totally surprised us by wanting to go on an airplane ride that went up in the air. As soon as he figured out he was no longer on the ground, he started to cry a little bit. The look on his face was priceless. He got off, and then he said he wanted to try the dragons...which also soar in the air. Did I mention Logan is afraid of heights? He got on and held on for dear life, but actually cracked some smiles during the ride. He's so funny- he takes so long to become accustomed to new and different surroundings. Not a big fan of change, that boy.
My husband is trying to get used to a new part of me this summer- the part that likes to have a drink or two. I am not a big drinker- I never have been. Matt definitely has always taken the cake in that category. When I was younger, I would order a glass of wine and let half of it go to took me a long time to actually appreciate a good drink. No longer. These days, I can't get enough of cold, refreshing, boozy goodness. So when I received my June issue of Everyday Food in the mail and in it was a recipe for a Watermelon Margarita, I got REALLY excited. And couldn't wait to get to the store for the ingredients. What better time to make margaritas from scratch than on the hottest weekend thus far this year? That and the fact it reminded me of a recipe I made last summer for tequila soaked watermelon wedges. MMMM.
I was definitely up to the challenge. Sugar syrup? Check. Pureed, strained watermelon? Check. Salted rim? No check. Not a fan of salt on my margarita. I poured the finished product into a pitcher and went to fill my glass with ice. I couldn't wait to take a taste...except when I got the ice cube tray out of the freezer, it was completely empty. We have a rule in our house- the last person to finish the ice refills the trays. And my husband is ice-aholic in our house. I was annoyed, to say the least. So I scooped up Meyer, clicked him into his carseat and drove the 1/2 mile to the nearest gas station for a bag of ice so I could enjoy my tall glass of fruity delight. One glass was all I needed and my annoyance magically melted away. ;)
recipe: watermelon margaritas
source: everyday food, june 2010
In a small saucepan, bring 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water and 3 strips wide orange zest to a boil over high. Reduce to a simmer and cook until sugar dissolves, 3 minutes. Let syrup cool. In a blender, puree 12 ounces watermelon cubes (about 2 cups) until smooth. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve, pressing on solids, into a pitcher. You should have about 1 cup juice. Stir in syrup, 1/4 cup fresh lime juice and 3/4 cup tequila. Fill salt-rimmed glasses with ice, then pour margarita mixture over top. Garnish with lime wedges.
Sunday was a ME day. I got about 7 hours of blissful time with no kids. I love my kids and my husband, but I need a break every now and then and I think it's finally sinking in for my husband- if mommy is happy, everyone is happy!
The day started early with a 9 mile run which means there is exactly 2 weeks till my half-marathon! 12 weeks of training is almost complete and culminates next weekend with a 10 mile run and taper time. I finished 9 miles in 1 hour, 30 minutes exactly...10 minute pace. At this rate, I will be able to make a personal record in the half distance, but it's not quite at my goal- at or under 2 hours. So I have 2 weeks to work on speed!
Then it was off to the city to catch Sex and the City 2 with my little sister and one of my girlfriends. It was supposed to be a big group of us, but due to the holiday weekend, most everyone had plans already. I wasn't expecting much out of the be honest, as soon as I saw the fabulous foursome on camels in the previews, my expectations plummeted. But it was better than I expected and although most of the movie was like a dream fantasy, I could relate to one little part when Charlotte and Miranda were discussing the difficulties of motherhood and drinking to all the women who raise children without help. Hallelujah! I laughed out loud. After a yummy Thai lunch, it was back to reality for me. I was so proud of Matt though- he took the boys to a pool party while I was gone and they all came back in one piece! :)
my black thumb.
As much of a domestic goddess as I proclaim myself to be, I cannot for the life of me keep plants alive. I have the kiss of death when it comes to anything green or flowery. Yet year after year I try to prove otherwise.
My husband, boys and I spent the morning choosing annuals for the darling little flower boxes under our windows. I love my flower boxes- they are my favorite thing about our exterior...they make our home look so sweet and cottage-like. Two sides of our house get full-on sun all day- so we got hardy petunias for those boxes. The other two sides get partial to little sun, so we picked impatiens for those. Plus sweet basil and italian parsley for my herb planters. Last year, our flower boxes met their doom early in the season- they were all dead by August. I blame it on the pitiful soil we used. No more messing around- Miracle-Gro is the way to go! The transfer from flat to box was successful, so the countdown is on to see how long I can keep plants alive this year.
I used to consider myself a voracious reader. My love of reading started way back when I was 4, when I was told I started reading the newspaper one day and my family thought I had memorized it. I guess it was quite impossible back then for a 4 year old to be able to read! We'll put this theory to the test next year when Logan is 4. Will he follow in his mommy's footsteps? Anyway- I read anything and everything, though I prefer fiction and novels written after the 20th century. It might just be me, but I have to read a sentence from a classic about 4 times before I truly comprehend what I'm reading.
However, since having children, reading has kind of fallen off the radar. I'm too tired or I have some other sad excuse (maybe my addiction to Weeds, Mad Men, Brothers & Sisters, etc. has something to do with it) to not pick up a book. I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm going to tackle Anna Karenina this summer. But I thought it through and thought it might be best to ease myself back into the joys of the written word. I picked up 2 Jodi Picoult novels from the library yesterday and hope to NOT have to renew. That means I have 3 weeks to finish 2 books. It can be done. In my heyday, I could read a book in 8 hours. Gosh, what did I do with myself back then? :)
My husband just asked me what's for dinner. He feels like grilling out. Lucky for him, I just took a pound of jerk pork tenderloin out of the freezer. I've been making jerk pork for a LONG time. My aunt and uncle live in Florida now, but years ago, they moved around a lot. And they amassed a lot of recipes and some of them made their way to me. This particular marinade comes from someone in California. It's great for entertaining because it's easy, delicious and always a hit. I'll serve with some leftover herbed basmati rice and grilled asparagus spears tossed with salt, pepper and olive oil. I hope this becomes a favorite of yours too!

Recipe: Jerk Pork Tenderloin
Source: AJ and UT
1 lb. pork tenderloin
4 chopped green onions
1/4 c. soy sauce
1 tsp. thyme
1 tsp. allspice
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
3 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tbsp. fresh grated ginger
2 cloves minced garlic
Combine all marinade ingredients in a ziploc bag. Add pork and massage to coat. Refrigerate, turning occasionally, for 6 hours or overnight. Grill to desired doneness, basting with leftover marinade.
Now I'm off to spend some quality time with my husband now that the kidlets are napping. I need some rest to survive the afternoon at a birthday party!
My husband, boys and I spent the morning choosing annuals for the darling little flower boxes under our windows. I love my flower boxes- they are my favorite thing about our exterior...they make our home look so sweet and cottage-like. Two sides of our house get full-on sun all day- so we got hardy petunias for those boxes. The other two sides get partial to little sun, so we picked impatiens for those. Plus sweet basil and italian parsley for my herb planters. Last year, our flower boxes met their doom early in the season- they were all dead by August. I blame it on the pitiful soil we used. No more messing around- Miracle-Gro is the way to go! The transfer from flat to box was successful, so the countdown is on to see how long I can keep plants alive this year.
I used to consider myself a voracious reader. My love of reading started way back when I was 4, when I was told I started reading the newspaper one day and my family thought I had memorized it. I guess it was quite impossible back then for a 4 year old to be able to read! We'll put this theory to the test next year when Logan is 4. Will he follow in his mommy's footsteps? Anyway- I read anything and everything, though I prefer fiction and novels written after the 20th century. It might just be me, but I have to read a sentence from a classic about 4 times before I truly comprehend what I'm reading.
However, since having children, reading has kind of fallen off the radar. I'm too tired or I have some other sad excuse (maybe my addiction to Weeds, Mad Men, Brothers & Sisters, etc. has something to do with it) to not pick up a book. I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm going to tackle Anna Karenina this summer. But I thought it through and thought it might be best to ease myself back into the joys of the written word. I picked up 2 Jodi Picoult novels from the library yesterday and hope to NOT have to renew. That means I have 3 weeks to finish 2 books. It can be done. In my heyday, I could read a book in 8 hours. Gosh, what did I do with myself back then? :)
My husband just asked me what's for dinner. He feels like grilling out. Lucky for him, I just took a pound of jerk pork tenderloin out of the freezer. I've been making jerk pork for a LONG time. My aunt and uncle live in Florida now, but years ago, they moved around a lot. And they amassed a lot of recipes and some of them made their way to me. This particular marinade comes from someone in California. It's great for entertaining because it's easy, delicious and always a hit. I'll serve with some leftover herbed basmati rice and grilled asparagus spears tossed with salt, pepper and olive oil. I hope this becomes a favorite of yours too!
Recipe: Jerk Pork Tenderloin
Source: AJ and UT
1 lb. pork tenderloin
4 chopped green onions
1/4 c. soy sauce
1 tsp. thyme
1 tsp. allspice
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
3 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tbsp. fresh grated ginger
2 cloves minced garlic
Combine all marinade ingredients in a ziploc bag. Add pork and massage to coat. Refrigerate, turning occasionally, for 6 hours or overnight. Grill to desired doneness, basting with leftover marinade.
Now I'm off to spend some quality time with my husband now that the kidlets are napping. I need some rest to survive the afternoon at a birthday party!
jodi picoult,
happy 14 months meyer!!
Yesterday was a great day. We celebrated Meyer's 14 month birthday with haircuts for both boys from Auntie Laura. Logan got his annual "summer buzz" and Meyer just got a little trim, but wow...does he look like a little boy now! You be the judge:

Logan made the cutest funny yesterday. The boys have a play tool set and Meyer was playing with one of the screwdrivers. Next thing I know, I hear, "Mommy! Meyer's trying to screw me!" Meyer was poking Logan with the screwdriver, and of course, Logan was tattling on him. It was hilarious! One of the funniest things ever. Logan has quite the personality...if he's half as funny as his daddy he'll be in good shape.
I had some cubed pork to use up so I made my specialty- Pork Fried Rice. Such a yummy recipe. I absolutely love all things pork- the fattier the better! But I need to cut down on the junk and start making healthier food choices. I filled up my fridge yesterday with all sorts of goodies in an effort to start eating fresher. We'll see how long this lasts. :) Then, to continue the pork love, I marinated some boneless pork chops in jerk paste and Matt put them on the grill. I paired them with herbed basmati rice...what an awesome dinner! The chops were tender and spicy as all get out. I will have to for sure make that one again. The jerk paste recipe? Ask and you shall receive!
recipe: Jerk Paste
source: Dressed to Grill by Karen Brooks, Diane Morgan and Reed Darmon
2-4 scotch bonnet or habenero chiles, including seeds, quartered. (I used 3 habanero- plenty of kick out of those little peppers!)
1 small yellow onion, quartered.
3 green onions, cut into 1-inch lengths.
4 quarter size slices fresh ginger.
3 cloves garlic.
1/2 c. packed chopped cilantro.
2 tbsp. kosher salt.
1 tbsp. each:
ground allspice, dried thyme, black pepper.
1/4 c. packed brown sugar.
1/4 c. fresh lime juice.
1/4 c. soy sauce.
2 tbsp. vegetable oil.
combine the chiles, yellow/green onions, ginger, garlic and cilantro in a food processor- process to a coarse paste. add salt, allspice, thyme, pepper and brown sugar, process till combined. then add lime juice, soy sauce and oil. process till mixture forms a paste. use immediately or transfer to a jar w/a tight fitting lid. refrigerate up to a month.
Today is just getting started- heading into a long weekend for Memorial Day! 5 mile run, check. Morning coffee, check. Morning naptime for Meyer, check. Meanwhile, I have a new addiction: Larabars. I've had a few different flavors now and I have to say I love them all! They are a good way to get nuts and fruit into my diet and they leave me energized as well. So a Larabar for breakfast, check. Next up, morning trip to the park as soon as Meyer wakes up! A little later, we're heading to a carnival with some family and friends. An awesome start to a fun holiday weekend!!
Logan made the cutest funny yesterday. The boys have a play tool set and Meyer was playing with one of the screwdrivers. Next thing I know, I hear, "Mommy! Meyer's trying to screw me!" Meyer was poking Logan with the screwdriver, and of course, Logan was tattling on him. It was hilarious! One of the funniest things ever. Logan has quite the personality...if he's half as funny as his daddy he'll be in good shape.
I had some cubed pork to use up so I made my specialty- Pork Fried Rice. Such a yummy recipe. I absolutely love all things pork- the fattier the better! But I need to cut down on the junk and start making healthier food choices. I filled up my fridge yesterday with all sorts of goodies in an effort to start eating fresher. We'll see how long this lasts. :) Then, to continue the pork love, I marinated some boneless pork chops in jerk paste and Matt put them on the grill. I paired them with herbed basmati rice...what an awesome dinner! The chops were tender and spicy as all get out. I will have to for sure make that one again. The jerk paste recipe? Ask and you shall receive!
recipe: Jerk Paste
source: Dressed to Grill by Karen Brooks, Diane Morgan and Reed Darmon
2-4 scotch bonnet or habenero chiles, including seeds, quartered. (I used 3 habanero- plenty of kick out of those little peppers!)
1 small yellow onion, quartered.
3 green onions, cut into 1-inch lengths.
4 quarter size slices fresh ginger.
3 cloves garlic.
1/2 c. packed chopped cilantro.
2 tbsp. kosher salt.
1 tbsp. each:
ground allspice, dried thyme, black pepper.
1/4 c. packed brown sugar.
1/4 c. fresh lime juice.
1/4 c. soy sauce.
2 tbsp. vegetable oil.
combine the chiles, yellow/green onions, ginger, garlic and cilantro in a food processor- process to a coarse paste. add salt, allspice, thyme, pepper and brown sugar, process till combined. then add lime juice, soy sauce and oil. process till mixture forms a paste. use immediately or transfer to a jar w/a tight fitting lid. refrigerate up to a month.
Today is just getting started- heading into a long weekend for Memorial Day! 5 mile run, check. Morning coffee, check. Morning naptime for Meyer, check. Meanwhile, I have a new addiction: Larabars. I've had a few different flavors now and I have to say I love them all! They are a good way to get nuts and fruit into my diet and they leave me energized as well. So a Larabar for breakfast, check. Next up, morning trip to the park as soon as Meyer wakes up! A little later, we're heading to a carnival with some family and friends. An awesome start to a fun holiday weekend!!
i *heart* life.
My goodness, my life must seem so mundane sometimes. But mostly, this journal is for I can record memories (since my memory is not so hot these days) of way back when my kids were small and each day was a treasure. And of other things when I was a running maniac (not compared to some, but definitely for me!), when my kids still did and said adorable things, etc.
I just got back from a 3 mile run with the kids in the jogging stroller. Logan fell asleep on the ride. He does that sometimes- but I'm not surprised it happened today as the kids were up before 5 this morning. I let him sleep in the stroller and checked on him frequently. I heard him stirring so I went out to get him and as we're coming in, Meyer waves to him and says hi! Of course, Logan ignored it, but I thought it was darling and I'm so glad I got to see him do that!! Meyer is growing up so fast. It's incredible to me.
I just got back from a 3 mile run with the kids in the jogging stroller. Logan fell asleep on the ride. He does that sometimes- but I'm not surprised it happened today as the kids were up before 5 this morning. I let him sleep in the stroller and checked on him frequently. I heard him stirring so I went out to get him and as we're coming in, Meyer waves to him and says hi! Of course, Logan ignored it, but I thought it was darling and I'm so glad I got to see him do that!! Meyer is growing up so fast. It's incredible to me.
It's happened before...unseasonably cool weather one week, unbelieveably hot and humid weather the next. So why I am at all surprised at the jump in mercury is beyond me. I love summer, but 90s and humid is a little much. I did a 6.5 mile run yesterday at 7:30 in the morning...whoa, was it tough. I had a rough time staying cool and hydrated and the temps were only in the 70s! I'm thinking maybe I overdid it because I had about a quarter mile left and I started getting chills- not good. I think I need to invest in a hydration belt to keep myself from over-heating. On the plus side though, I was at sub-9 minute I'm definitely improving on the speed front!
I have quite a few trips to the city planned for the summer so far, both with and without my boys. I'm kicking it off with a jaunt with my girlfriends to see Sex and the City 2 followed by an early dinner. Should be quite a blast! I hope the movie is better than the trailer makes it out to be. The most awesome thing about the trailer is AIDAN. Love him, though I'm big on Big also. :) Looking forward to seeing what the fabulous forty-something foursome has in store for us this time, which is probably the last time. But we said that when the first SATC movie came out, so who knows.
Then some more city fun is planned for race-day weekend!!! Even though my cousin Dana is not running the half with me (BUMMER), she and her boyfriend are still coming to Chicago that weekend to hang out with us! How cool is that!
The past couple days were filled with fun in the baby pool. We have a little plastic pool and a slide set up in our backyard so the boys have been having so much fun keeping cool. Meyer is all over the place, climbing in the water, out of the water, up the slide...the kid loves the water. And Logan is splish splashing away and having a ball. Which results in an awesome long naptime and break for mommy. :)
After naps, it's time for a trip to the store. When it comes to clothing for the boys, I completely under-estimate sizes. Meyer is so tiny that I thought he'd be swimming in 12-18 month clothes. Um, no. They fit him perfectly. I have 3 outfits that still have tags on them though so I'm off to exchange them for a bigger size. Lesson learned. Then it's salads for dinner!! I made this amazing chicken breast recipe this weekend and have leftovers so I'm just slicing it into salads at my husband's request...delish!
I have quite a few trips to the city planned for the summer so far, both with and without my boys. I'm kicking it off with a jaunt with my girlfriends to see Sex and the City 2 followed by an early dinner. Should be quite a blast! I hope the movie is better than the trailer makes it out to be. The most awesome thing about the trailer is AIDAN. Love him, though I'm big on Big also. :) Looking forward to seeing what the fabulous forty-something foursome has in store for us this time, which is probably the last time. But we said that when the first SATC movie came out, so who knows.
Then some more city fun is planned for race-day weekend!!! Even though my cousin Dana is not running the half with me (BUMMER), she and her boyfriend are still coming to Chicago that weekend to hang out with us! How cool is that!
The past couple days were filled with fun in the baby pool. We have a little plastic pool and a slide set up in our backyard so the boys have been having so much fun keeping cool. Meyer is all over the place, climbing in the water, out of the water, up the slide...the kid loves the water. And Logan is splish splashing away and having a ball. Which results in an awesome long naptime and break for mommy. :)
After naps, it's time for a trip to the store. When it comes to clothing for the boys, I completely under-estimate sizes. Meyer is so tiny that I thought he'd be swimming in 12-18 month clothes. Um, no. They fit him perfectly. I have 3 outfits that still have tags on them though so I'm off to exchange them for a bigger size. Lesson learned. Then it's salads for dinner!! I made this amazing chicken breast recipe this weekend and have leftovers so I'm just slicing it into salads at my husband's request...delish!
a trip down memory lane.
Today I took the boys on a little trip to LaGrange. I spent most of my childhood years growing up in LaGrange Park, so this was familiar territory for me! I met a girlfriend and her daughter at a park I used to frequent when I was a kid. The basic layout of the park is the same, but of course the equipment has been updated. And the tree my grandma taught me how to climb is still there! It was fun and brought back so many memories. (Trying to play) softball in the baseball diamond, (trying to play) tennis in the clay courts. Can you tell I'm not too great at sports? It's so interesting the way you view things now compared to when you were a kid. The swings looked so big and I remember going so high I practically could touch the sky with my toes...nope- the swings are actually puny. :) The homes in the neighborhood surrounding the park seemed like mansions back then...they are modest homes on well-manicured blocks.
Lunch was at Palmer Place. I even caught a glimpse of Mrs. Palmer who used to be friendly with my grandma long ago when Palmer's was a deli with avocado green booths and laminate flooring. Now I'm sitting outside in the beer-garden ordering chocolate milk for my 3 year old and making sure my 1 year old doesn't throw his whole meal on the ground. How things change.
There was lots of construction on the main roads as I was heading back home, so I drove through my old hood. Funny how I could still name the families that used to live in the houses I drove past. Maybe some of the parents are still there! Past the house of my best friend in 6th grade. It used to be white with green trim, and now it's gray. Past the house of the boy I had a huge crush on in junior high. Past the house I grew up in, which looks pretty much the same from the outside thought I know it's much different on the inside. Then onto the expressway and away from that time of my life. It will be fun when the boys are older and I can show them that part of me.
Lunch was at Palmer Place. I even caught a glimpse of Mrs. Palmer who used to be friendly with my grandma long ago when Palmer's was a deli with avocado green booths and laminate flooring. Now I'm sitting outside in the beer-garden ordering chocolate milk for my 3 year old and making sure my 1 year old doesn't throw his whole meal on the ground. How things change.
There was lots of construction on the main roads as I was heading back home, so I drove through my old hood. Funny how I could still name the families that used to live in the houses I drove past. Maybe some of the parents are still there! Past the house of my best friend in 6th grade. It used to be white with green trim, and now it's gray. Past the house of the boy I had a huge crush on in junior high. Past the house I grew up in, which looks pretty much the same from the outside thought I know it's much different on the inside. Then onto the expressway and away from that time of my life. It will be fun when the boys are older and I can show them that part of me.
back on again.
Well, the mommmy switch has flipped back to on. The past few days have consisted of a wonderful solo run, quality sister time, awesome Thai food and a trip to another of my happy places- Whole Foods. I seriously could wander the aisles of Whole Foods all day. How I love it there. Where else can you get shiitake mushrooms in bulk? I also found unsweetened coconut so I can make these apricot almond bars I've been drooling over.
However, my trip to Whole Foods wasn't perfect. Logan didn't have his listening ears on and wandered away from me in the store. My heart dropped to my feet for those few seconds until I found him. He has always been so good at staying by my side that I guess I took it for granted. I have a feeling that he'll be getting more defiant before he gets better. Between both of them, I have so much to look forward to!
However, my trip to Whole Foods wasn't perfect. Logan didn't have his listening ears on and wandered away from me in the store. My heart dropped to my feet for those few seconds until I found him. He has always been so good at staying by my side that I guess I took it for granted. I have a feeling that he'll be getting more defiant before he gets better. Between both of them, I have so much to look forward to!
mommy switch is off.
Do you ever have one of those days you just want to turn the "mommy switch" to off? I love being a mom and I love my boys more than life itself, but today has been one of those days. Meyer is not feeling there isn't much I can do to make myself feel better. Usually I'd hit up the Starbucks drive-thru, head to the clearance rack at Target, or get some decorating ideas at Home Goods to clear my head, but that isn't happening today. This weather sure is putting a damper on my spirits, no pun intended. Maybe I can put my bad mood to good use by doing some cleanup in the basement. Or by organizing old pictures and cards. I feel better already!!
could it be? a hint of summer?
What a gorgeous day today! The birds are singing, the sun is shining, the air is I started my day with an 8 mile run. It felt absolutely wonderful, except for the nagging going on in my right hip. Even that went away so I'm thankful to be injury free so far in the last weeks of training for my 3rd half marathon! I averaged 9:18 miles...just a little quicker and I'll be able to finish the half in 2 hours or less. That's my goal anyway. Time will tell if I actually accomplish it.
In other news, I've decided to tackle Anna Karenina this summer. It's been on my must-read list for longer than I care to remember so I found it (collecting dust in my basement) and can't wait to get started. I am an avid reader, but it's hard to find time to read while raising 2 active, imaginative kids. Something's gotta give and for me, it's books. Mostly because I'm one of those readers who gets immersed in a book and can't put it down. But the 800-something pages of Anna Karenina are beckoning to me and I'll be answering the call, right after my Weeds marathon is finished. I'm on season 5, episode 3 and loving every second of it. I said before that I'd love to be Nancy Botwin...but I'm way too much of a goody-goody. So I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through her immoral life because it's so much fun!
Taste test: Crispy Salted Oatmeal White Chocolate Cookies. Wow. Everyone has their personal preference as far as cookie texture. Some like them chewy...some like them crunchy...some like a little bit of both. Well this cookie falls into both categories. Eat one at room temperature and it's crispy goodness. Warm it up for 12 seconds in the microwave first and it's crunchy, chewy perfection. I think next time I might substitute butterscotch chips for the white chocolate. I love oatmeal scotchies and I think these might be a hit! One of the best cookies I've ever made...these will definitely be in heavy rotation!
I don't think I've ever mentioned this, but I'm a foodie. Maybe not a foodie in the true definition of the word (considering one of my favorite Mexican restaurants is Pepe's), but I LOVE food. I love eating, cooking, talking about food, eating at restaurants, I could go on and on and on. My favorite cuisine? I love them all. But if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Asian. I could eat Asian food for every single meal, every single day, for an entire month and not get tired of it. So when my little sister posted on Facebook earlier today that she was going to Chinatown for lunch, I felt a little pang of jealousy. Duck Spring Rolls and a Watermelon freeze at Joy Yee's? Sign me up, please! I love my neighborhood, but one of the definite downfalls to living in the burbs is the lack of restaurant choices, especially in our neck of the woods. Here in my town it's heavy on the fast food, pizza parlors and italian beef joints. I would love if a little sushi spot opened up within a 5 minute drive! Trader Joe's would be nice to have too. Oh well...this foodie girl can dream.
Hopefully I'm heading to Target today to pick up 2 bookshelves to help with my organization project. It will also help make our little basement home office a room of it's own, at least that's how I envision it. Stay tuned for more on that subject!
In other news, I've decided to tackle Anna Karenina this summer. It's been on my must-read list for longer than I care to remember so I found it (collecting dust in my basement) and can't wait to get started. I am an avid reader, but it's hard to find time to read while raising 2 active, imaginative kids. Something's gotta give and for me, it's books. Mostly because I'm one of those readers who gets immersed in a book and can't put it down. But the 800-something pages of Anna Karenina are beckoning to me and I'll be answering the call, right after my Weeds marathon is finished. I'm on season 5, episode 3 and loving every second of it. I said before that I'd love to be Nancy Botwin...but I'm way too much of a goody-goody. So I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through her immoral life because it's so much fun!
Taste test: Crispy Salted Oatmeal White Chocolate Cookies. Wow. Everyone has their personal preference as far as cookie texture. Some like them chewy...some like them crunchy...some like a little bit of both. Well this cookie falls into both categories. Eat one at room temperature and it's crispy goodness. Warm it up for 12 seconds in the microwave first and it's crunchy, chewy perfection. I think next time I might substitute butterscotch chips for the white chocolate. I love oatmeal scotchies and I think these might be a hit! One of the best cookies I've ever made...these will definitely be in heavy rotation!
I don't think I've ever mentioned this, but I'm a foodie. Maybe not a foodie in the true definition of the word (considering one of my favorite Mexican restaurants is Pepe's), but I LOVE food. I love eating, cooking, talking about food, eating at restaurants, I could go on and on and on. My favorite cuisine? I love them all. But if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Asian. I could eat Asian food for every single meal, every single day, for an entire month and not get tired of it. So when my little sister posted on Facebook earlier today that she was going to Chinatown for lunch, I felt a little pang of jealousy. Duck Spring Rolls and a Watermelon freeze at Joy Yee's? Sign me up, please! I love my neighborhood, but one of the definite downfalls to living in the burbs is the lack of restaurant choices, especially in our neck of the woods. Here in my town it's heavy on the fast food, pizza parlors and italian beef joints. I would love if a little sushi spot opened up within a 5 minute drive! Trader Joe's would be nice to have too. Oh well...this foodie girl can dream.
Hopefully I'm heading to Target today to pick up 2 bookshelves to help with my organization project. It will also help make our little basement home office a room of it's own, at least that's how I envision it. Stay tuned for more on that subject!
cookie review,
summer, you can come any day now...
The beautiful flowers I received as a Mother's Day Surprise from my husband and kids.
As much as I despise what hot, humid air does to my naturally curly, frizz-tacular hair, I love the summertime. Long days filled with sunshine and clear blue skies, tank tops, shorts and flip flops, weekend summer fests, barbeques and cocktails with friends and family...I love it all. So why is it mid-May and summer is still nowhere to be found? I think about or look forward to something so often, it makes time pass in slow motion. And when I don't look forward to something, it comes out of nowhere. Proof that living life day to day is most fulfilling indeed.
I'm feeling guilty today. I'm feeling a lot of things today, actually, and guilt is pretty high up there. I missed a run this week. I'm tacking on an extra mile to my long run tomorrow to help make up for it, but it doesn't change the fact that I still need to work on forgiving myself. It's been a goal of mine for a long time and I never quite get there. Maybe if I forgave myself and didn't feel guilty for goofy things like missing a workout, I'd feel so much less stress in my life. There are 2 goals to work on this glorious summer. Forgive myself and stress less. I read an article today that said that kissing provides instant stress relief. My husband came up to me out of the blue and started kissing me earlier today and I put that theory to the test. Um, yep- I instantly relaxed. Add that to the list...make out with my husband on a daily basis. So there are three things to strive for. I think I need to add one more.
I can tell that a lot of my stress stems from a lack of organization in my life. In a few areas. My home suffers the most. I live in a tiny house. We've never measured, but there are 2 adults, 2 children and an 80 pound dog (our shepherd/lab mix Cami) living in 1200 square feet or less. That's not much room. I've posted recently that we are updating our home...I'm trying to reorganize things so I don't feel constant stress from the clutter that has become my life. Problem is, I'm a pack rat. I can't seem to throw anything away! That awesome Christmas card we received from the Joneses 8 years ago? I can guarantee I still have it. We need to do a major purge and I'm pretty sure it's called spring cleaning...time is running out on that. But then life happens and reorganization gets pushed further down the list. Let's face it: the day to day things that need to get done supercede anything else and we never have time for the big projects like scrubbing the windows and blinds, or cleaning the dustbunnies under the couch. Maybe I can work on one small project a day and see what happens. Yesterday, it was cleaning out the freezer. Today, I cleaned out Meyer's bottle drawer and turned it into Meyer's sippy cup drawer.
Let's see how well I accomplish these goals 3 months from now.
Meanwhile, Matt's betting on the ponies at the OTB less than 5 minutes from our house. Dangerous. I'm really hoping that one of our trifecta bets comes in. After all these years placing bets during the Triple Crown, it would be nice if it paid off, at least a little bit! And I'm hanging out with my boys, listening to them enjoy each other and enjoying a libation. Smirnoff Ice Pineapple. Pretty tasty! I just took a batch of cookies out of the oven and they turned out delicious.
I feel decidedly less stressed now. Go figure.

recipe: Crispy Salted Oatmeal White Chocolate Cookies
source: Smitten Kitchen
1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon table salt
14 tablespoons (1 3/4 sticks) unsalted butter, slightly softened
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
6 ounces good-quality white chocolate bar, chopped (not “white chocolate” chips; they’re almost always artificial. I am adamant about this.)
1/2 teapoon flaky sea salt (like Maldon or fleur de sel) (for sprinkling on top)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper or Silpat. Whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, and table salt in a medium bowl.
2. Beat butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Scrape down bowl with rubber spatula, then add egg and vanilla and beat until incorporated. Scrape down bowl again. Add flour mixture gradually and mix until just incorporated and smooth. Gradually add oats and white chocolate and mix until well incorporated.
3. Divide dough into 24 equal portions, each about 2 tablespoons. Roll between palms into balls, then place on lined baking sheets about 2 1/2 inches apart. Using fingertips, gently press down each ball to about 3/4-inch thickness.
4. Sprinkle a flake or two of sea salt on each cookie
5. Bake until cookies are deep golden brown, about 13 to 16 minutes, rotating baking sheet halfway through. Transfer baking sheet to wire rack to cool.
As much as I despise what hot, humid air does to my naturally curly, frizz-tacular hair, I love the summertime. Long days filled with sunshine and clear blue skies, tank tops, shorts and flip flops, weekend summer fests, barbeques and cocktails with friends and family...I love it all. So why is it mid-May and summer is still nowhere to be found? I think about or look forward to something so often, it makes time pass in slow motion. And when I don't look forward to something, it comes out of nowhere. Proof that living life day to day is most fulfilling indeed.
I'm feeling guilty today. I'm feeling a lot of things today, actually, and guilt is pretty high up there. I missed a run this week. I'm tacking on an extra mile to my long run tomorrow to help make up for it, but it doesn't change the fact that I still need to work on forgiving myself. It's been a goal of mine for a long time and I never quite get there. Maybe if I forgave myself and didn't feel guilty for goofy things like missing a workout, I'd feel so much less stress in my life. There are 2 goals to work on this glorious summer. Forgive myself and stress less. I read an article today that said that kissing provides instant stress relief. My husband came up to me out of the blue and started kissing me earlier today and I put that theory to the test. Um, yep- I instantly relaxed. Add that to the list...make out with my husband on a daily basis. So there are three things to strive for. I think I need to add one more.
I can tell that a lot of my stress stems from a lack of organization in my life. In a few areas. My home suffers the most. I live in a tiny house. We've never measured, but there are 2 adults, 2 children and an 80 pound dog (our shepherd/lab mix Cami) living in 1200 square feet or less. That's not much room. I've posted recently that we are updating our home...I'm trying to reorganize things so I don't feel constant stress from the clutter that has become my life. Problem is, I'm a pack rat. I can't seem to throw anything away! That awesome Christmas card we received from the Joneses 8 years ago? I can guarantee I still have it. We need to do a major purge and I'm pretty sure it's called spring cleaning...time is running out on that. But then life happens and reorganization gets pushed further down the list. Let's face it: the day to day things that need to get done supercede anything else and we never have time for the big projects like scrubbing the windows and blinds, or cleaning the dustbunnies under the couch. Maybe I can work on one small project a day and see what happens. Yesterday, it was cleaning out the freezer. Today, I cleaned out Meyer's bottle drawer and turned it into Meyer's sippy cup drawer.
Let's see how well I accomplish these goals 3 months from now.
Meanwhile, Matt's betting on the ponies at the OTB less than 5 minutes from our house. Dangerous. I'm really hoping that one of our trifecta bets comes in. After all these years placing bets during the Triple Crown, it would be nice if it paid off, at least a little bit! And I'm hanging out with my boys, listening to them enjoy each other and enjoying a libation. Smirnoff Ice Pineapple. Pretty tasty! I just took a batch of cookies out of the oven and they turned out delicious.
I feel decidedly less stressed now. Go figure.
recipe: Crispy Salted Oatmeal White Chocolate Cookies
source: Smitten Kitchen
1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon table salt
14 tablespoons (1 3/4 sticks) unsalted butter, slightly softened
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
6 ounces good-quality white chocolate bar, chopped (not “white chocolate” chips; they’re almost always artificial. I am adamant about this.)
1/2 teapoon flaky sea salt (like Maldon or fleur de sel) (for sprinkling on top)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper or Silpat. Whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, and table salt in a medium bowl.
2. Beat butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Scrape down bowl with rubber spatula, then add egg and vanilla and beat until incorporated. Scrape down bowl again. Add flour mixture gradually and mix until just incorporated and smooth. Gradually add oats and white chocolate and mix until well incorporated.
3. Divide dough into 24 equal portions, each about 2 tablespoons. Roll between palms into balls, then place on lined baking sheets about 2 1/2 inches apart. Using fingertips, gently press down each ball to about 3/4-inch thickness.
4. Sprinkle a flake or two of sea salt on each cookie
5. Bake until cookies are deep golden brown, about 13 to 16 minutes, rotating baking sheet halfway through. Transfer baking sheet to wire rack to cool.
bright, sunshiny day!!
Woke up this morning (a little early- 5:30) feeling not-so-fine. Nothing 2 Motrin couldn't fix and now I'm enjoying my morning coffee and trying to plan my day. How to enjoy this beautiful day? Hmmm...a morning 4.5 mile run with the boys in the jogging stroller is a definite. I've been slacking with my running this week. That's what happens to me when the weather is crappy. My motivation goes to hell. Yesterday was one of those crappy days. It was super hard to talk myself into going to the gym and sweating bullets on the treadmill, but I did it. On sunny days, however, bring it on!
I woke up insanely early this morning and I'm sorry to say I couldn't even blame my kids! Oh, the joys of getting old. Thank goodness for the triple-strength dose of caffeine my husband had ready for me. I nearly burned my esophagus I guzzled that roasty goodness down so fast! My morning routine, if the kids are still sleeping, of course, is to get that cup of coffee and sit down and check my e-mail and facebook pages. I click on my profile and there it is, in the form of a post from my beloved (insert sarcasm here) cousin Nick. Boobasaur. Huh. The image that phrase brings to mind is not pretty. Am I really that ancient and decrepit? Is that what my cousin thinks of me? I need an explanation so I scroll down and finally find that Nick, along with another cousin James, are up till all hours of the wee morning down in Talla"nastee" trying to come up with goofy dino-esque names for the rest of the cousins. I get boobasaur, which is actually pretty hilarious, considering I'm the oldest cousin, have given birth to and breastfed 2 children...needless to say the girls aren't what they used to be, and they weren't that great to begin with. My sister is dubbed Jerkasaurus, which fits her pretty well also. Goofy kids.
My 3 year old loves to play in the basement. He has all his trains and cars down there so he can spend hours with his best friends Steamer and Samuel, Percy and Gordon, the list goes on. I open the basement door to check on him and he tells me he's fine, but "don't come downstairs, Mommy!" Which of course gets me curious as to what he's up to down there.
Me: "Logan, what are you doing?"
Logan: "I'm glittering the couch!"
Um, glittering the couch? I head downstairs and sure enough, Logan's creating a masterpiece in red glitter all over the couch cushions. I was just happy that tar and feathers weren't involved. It's my own fault- I left his craft supplies in plain reach. Lesson learned. And easily cleaned up- thank goodness for leather couches and a dirt devil. No glitter butt in this house! :)
My husband and I are planning a long overdue update for a few rooms in our humble little abode. I've been spending a lot of time browsing the internet, magazines, and books to try and get ideas for what I like. For the bedroom, I'm leaning toward practical, romantic luxury with a lot of cozy, pretty, modern details. It's a small space, so it should be easy enough to accomplish. I am in love with this lampshade and will try to recreate my own version:

So pretty, and so easy to integrate with other textures and colors for a design neophyte like myself! Add zero design acumen to the list of qualities I was born without. But Amy Butler fabrics make it easy to look like I have some design sense! I really love her fabrics (including Floating Buds in Grey from her Midwest Modern II collection, shown on the lampshade above)...they all work together and can be mixed and matched to your heart's delight.
I'm excited for a new and improved bedroom, but what I'm most excited about is my new kitchen! I can't wait for a clean, fresh, organized kitchen! We are still in the planning stages, but we know we are custom building a dining booth that will have storage and I have a few ideas in mind that will make the time I spend in the kitchen (which is probably a third of my life!) more productive and visually appealing:
- pull out pantry that also acts as a hiding spot for dog food/treats.
- pull out waste organizer to separate trash and recycling.
- fun shelving to accommodate my ever-expanding collection of cookbooks.
- cushions for the booth that are both pretty and functional, and made of a material that can withstand abuse from a toddler and a pre-schooler!
And a wonderful end to my morning...Weeds, Season 5 is ready for pickup at my local library!! Oh, how I have missed this show. I want to be Nancy Botwin when I grow up. I don't think my husband would mind if I magically morphed into her one day. ;)
My 3 year old loves to play in the basement. He has all his trains and cars down there so he can spend hours with his best friends Steamer and Samuel, Percy and Gordon, the list goes on. I open the basement door to check on him and he tells me he's fine, but "don't come downstairs, Mommy!" Which of course gets me curious as to what he's up to down there.
Me: "Logan, what are you doing?"
Logan: "I'm glittering the couch!"
Um, glittering the couch? I head downstairs and sure enough, Logan's creating a masterpiece in red glitter all over the couch cushions. I was just happy that tar and feathers weren't involved. It's my own fault- I left his craft supplies in plain reach. Lesson learned. And easily cleaned up- thank goodness for leather couches and a dirt devil. No glitter butt in this house! :)
My husband and I are planning a long overdue update for a few rooms in our humble little abode. I've been spending a lot of time browsing the internet, magazines, and books to try and get ideas for what I like. For the bedroom, I'm leaning toward practical, romantic luxury with a lot of cozy, pretty, modern details. It's a small space, so it should be easy enough to accomplish. I am in love with this lampshade and will try to recreate my own version:

So pretty, and so easy to integrate with other textures and colors for a design neophyte like myself! Add zero design acumen to the list of qualities I was born without. But Amy Butler fabrics make it easy to look like I have some design sense! I really love her fabrics (including Floating Buds in Grey from her Midwest Modern II collection, shown on the lampshade above)...they all work together and can be mixed and matched to your heart's delight.
I'm excited for a new and improved bedroom, but what I'm most excited about is my new kitchen! I can't wait for a clean, fresh, organized kitchen! We are still in the planning stages, but we know we are custom building a dining booth that will have storage and I have a few ideas in mind that will make the time I spend in the kitchen (which is probably a third of my life!) more productive and visually appealing:
- pull out pantry that also acts as a hiding spot for dog food/treats.
- pull out waste organizer to separate trash and recycling.
- fun shelving to accommodate my ever-expanding collection of cookbooks.
- cushions for the booth that are both pretty and functional, and made of a material that can withstand abuse from a toddler and a pre-schooler!
And a wonderful end to my morning...Weeds, Season 5 is ready for pickup at my local library!! Oh, how I have missed this show. I want to be Nancy Botwin when I grow up. I don't think my husband would mind if I magically morphed into her one day. ;)
amy butler,
room updates,
the night of game 6.
Let's hope the Chicago Blackhawks clean up the series tonight against the Vancouver Canucks! Go Hawks! The Hawks are up 3 games to 2 and can finish it off tonight. Then on to the semi-finals and a couple more weeks till The Stanley Cup. Hockey season is painfully long. Can you tell I am not a big hockey fan? The puck is so small and whizzes by so fast I can never tell what is going on. But my husband loves the sport, so I'm forced to watch it by default. I'd much rather tell you about our tasty dinner tonight!
I made Taco Soup. The recipe could not be easier. Thanks to my friend Dee for sharing it! I had a dollop of lowfat sour cream on mine and topped it with crushed tortilla chips for a delightful crunch. The result? Delish!
Recipe: Taco Soup
Source: Unknown
3 cans Great Northern Beans, drained/rinsed- feel free to mix up the beans, use pinto, black, kidney, or a combination.
1 can diced tomatoes in juice
2 cans Mexicorn
1 taco seasoning packet
1 Fiesta Ranch packet
1 can water
Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan, stir and simmer for an hour. Ladle into bowls and serve hot.
* I used 1 can of low-sodium beans and no-salt tomatoes- it was still pretty salty.
** Other topping ideas: diced avocado, shredded chicken or beef, chopped red onion, minced jalapeno peppers, chopped cilantro.
I made Taco Soup. The recipe could not be easier. Thanks to my friend Dee for sharing it! I had a dollop of lowfat sour cream on mine and topped it with crushed tortilla chips for a delightful crunch. The result? Delish!
Recipe: Taco Soup
Source: Unknown
3 cans Great Northern Beans, drained/rinsed- feel free to mix up the beans, use pinto, black, kidney, or a combination.
1 can diced tomatoes in juice
2 cans Mexicorn
1 taco seasoning packet
1 Fiesta Ranch packet
1 can water
Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan, stir and simmer for an hour. Ladle into bowls and serve hot.
* I used 1 can of low-sodium beans and no-salt tomatoes- it was still pretty salty.
** Other topping ideas: diced avocado, shredded chicken or beef, chopped red onion, minced jalapeno peppers, chopped cilantro.
a baking day!
What better way to spend a cool, dreary day in May than baking? Well, besides the lunch trip to McDonald's for an oh, so important happy meal. And let's not forget the plastic car that comes with it! I was informed by Logan today that boys get cars in their happy meals, and girls get mermaids. I posed an interesting question- what if a girl wanted a toy car? No, not happening in my son's 3 year old gender specific brain. Girls don't like toy cars. Maybe he hasn't met those kinds of girls yet. His time will come, I'm sure.
We also talked a little bit about imagination. My son has been blessed with an amazing one so I was telling him how to make the most of it by inventing stories about the plastic dude who drives the plastic happy meal car. What planet does he come from? Is he a superhero? Does he have a superhero girlfriend? He doesn't quite get the concept, but I'll keep providing encouragement and see where that takes him. Maybe he'll be the writer I never was! Wow- I'm already putting the failures of my life into my expectations of my 3 year old. But aren't all parents guilty of that at one time or another?
Anyway, I've been wanting to try these cookies since the recipe landed in my inbox and they did not disappoint. Enjoy!
recipe: Double Chocolate Coconut Cookies
source: Martha Stewart Cookie of the Day, 4.10.10
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup packed light-brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
2 cups white-chocolate chunks (about 9 ounces)
1 3/4 cups sweetened flaked coconut
1 3/4 cups coarsely chopped walnuts, (about 6 ounces)
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put butter and sugars in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment; mix on medium speed until smooth, about 2 minutes. Mix in eggs, 1 at a time. Stir in vanilla.
2.Sift flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt into a medium bowl. Mix into butter mixture on low speed until well combined. Stir in chocolate, coconut, and walnuts.
3.Using a 1 1/2-inch ice cream scoop, drop batter onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper, spacing 2 inches apart. Flatten slightly. Bake until set, 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool on sheets on wire racks 2 minutes. Transfer cookies on parchment to racks to cool completely. Cookies can be stored in airtight containers at room temperature up to 1 week.
martha stewart
welcome to my updated blog!
My blog desperately needed a facelift. So welcome to my sweet escapades...where I can escape for a little while without actually escaping! You can find all my old blog entries and hopefully find things a little more interesting going forward so you will want to return again and again. Enjoy!
another weekend gone.
What a busy weekend. The busier the weekend, the faster it goes, so maybe the weekends need to all be lazy. Novel idea. But totally unrealistic, of course.
Friday was awesome. The boys and I started the morning with a 4 mile run, and then headed to a playdate. Logan had so much fun playing with the other kids' toys that I had a hard time getting him to leave! I had a good time too, catching up with friends, girl talk and eating some yummy taco soup! After naps, it was off to the park with another friend and her 3 boys. Talk about outnumbered! It was also Kentucky Derby weekend, so Matt was getting ready for his picks and picked up a racing form on the way home. Watched The House Bunny (one of my picks for worst movie ever, yet I couldn't stop watching!).
Saturday consisted of a little Meyer and Mommy time. We went shopping! And Meyer was SUCH a good boy. He loves the shopping cart and got to ride in at least 5 of them. :) I was on the hunt for shower curtain fabric. I fell in love with this and am trying to recreate it in my house.

We ran some errands and had sub sandwiches at Jersey Mike's. Yum. I have a new sub shop favorite!! We headed home and Matt left for Arlington with his brother...Super Saver was not a super winner in our house this year.
Today was perfect. My long run was 7 miles longest run in a long time! It gives me hope that I can finish the half at around 2 hours. That would be amazing! Then it was off to Pump It Up for a birthday celebration for a special 4 year old. Logan had never been to one of these places before and he absolutely loved it. He wasn't so sure about the slides, but he had a blast running around with his friends and jumping and climbing all over the place. I didn't tell him that he's going 2 more times this month, for more birthday celebrations. :)
Oh, the weekend, how I wish you could last forever!!
Friday was awesome. The boys and I started the morning with a 4 mile run, and then headed to a playdate. Logan had so much fun playing with the other kids' toys that I had a hard time getting him to leave! I had a good time too, catching up with friends, girl talk and eating some yummy taco soup! After naps, it was off to the park with another friend and her 3 boys. Talk about outnumbered! It was also Kentucky Derby weekend, so Matt was getting ready for his picks and picked up a racing form on the way home. Watched The House Bunny (one of my picks for worst movie ever, yet I couldn't stop watching!).
Saturday consisted of a little Meyer and Mommy time. We went shopping! And Meyer was SUCH a good boy. He loves the shopping cart and got to ride in at least 5 of them. :) I was on the hunt for shower curtain fabric. I fell in love with this and am trying to recreate it in my house.

We ran some errands and had sub sandwiches at Jersey Mike's. Yum. I have a new sub shop favorite!! We headed home and Matt left for Arlington with his brother...Super Saver was not a super winner in our house this year.
Today was perfect. My long run was 7 miles longest run in a long time! It gives me hope that I can finish the half at around 2 hours. That would be amazing! Then it was off to Pump It Up for a birthday celebration for a special 4 year old. Logan had never been to one of these places before and he absolutely loved it. He wasn't so sure about the slides, but he had a blast running around with his friends and jumping and climbing all over the place. I didn't tell him that he's going 2 more times this month, for more birthday celebrations. :)
Oh, the weekend, how I wish you could last forever!!
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