
taking a ride on the crazy train!

Why is it that the most fun happens when it comes from an idea that is spur of the moment? At least that's how my life rolls, anyway.

After a (sleepless) night of wicked rain and storms, I woke up to beautiful blue skies and a grouchy husband. :) So I gave him some time to snap out of it and took the boys for a 3 mile run. What a perfect morning for a run- very little humidity and a nice cool breeze...Logan even fell asleep! So I decided we'd pack a lunch and head to the Brookfield Zoo for the day! Apparently I wasn't the only one with that idea. When we pulled into the lot it was crazy crowded, but I got lucky and scored a parking space right in front of the entrance. Love when that happens!

There were some zoo volunteers teaching kids all about the big cats using lion and tiger skulls and of course Logan was right in front, asking questions and telling the volunteers about his latest Batman toy. ;) He is so curious and inquisitive...I hope he always stays this way.

We had lunch in the park and the kids expended some energy and then it was off to see the new Great Bear Wilderness exhibit. It was wall-to-wall people, but we got through it. Maybe next time we can explore it further! The boys had more park time until Logan had an accident (the poop-in-the-pants kind). It was time to head home after that, but Logan's repeatedly assured me that next time, his poop will go in the potty. I think he was a little embarrassed. But we had such a fun day, just me and my little guys. I love hanging out with them and they are such good boys for me. Makes me feel like I'm doing okay job at this mom thing. ;)

So you are probably wondering what's so crazy about that? Well, after we left the zoo, both boys zonked out on the car ride home. And it's times like those that I do lots of thinking. And I started thinking about my running and how it's been seriously lacking lately. At the peak of my half-marathon training, I was running upwards of 20 miles a week. The week after the race was over? I accumulated 5 miles. A measly 5 miles! So not happy with that. I feel the effects of running so little all over my life...my sanity, my patience, my waistline... I need to step it up a bit. So I've decided to train for another half marathon- this time, in mid-September. My motivation virtually disappears if I'm not training and I can't have that, so Hal Higdon, here I come (again) but this time, I'm tackling your intermediate program and I'm going to bring it.

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