
national running day!!!

Today is National Running Day and I actually participated by running 3 miles! With the boys in the jogging stroller, which always adds an extra element to my workout. I have a certain route I follow when I'm running with the boys. There is a small grid of streets in the blocks behind my house and I just run up and down the streets, back and forth, back and forth, until my run is complete. It's redundant and boring, but at least it's safe and safety is my #1 concern when I'm moving at the lightning fast speed of 6 mph. :)

I was running this morning and I always make a point of acknowledging other walkers/runners/bikers, etc. when I'm huffing and puffing, trying to make pushing 70 pounds of kid and stroller look easy. And toward me comes a woman walking a baby in a stroller. I say hi and she looks at me and says, "My mom has been telling me about you and I finally get to see you for myself!" I guess I'm becoming a sort of celebrity in the neighborhood! Hopefully I can be some sort of inspiration as well. Isn't that what National Running Day is all about?

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