
potty training...conquered!

So many life changing events have been happening in our household lately! First, Meyer starts walking and then Logan finally is ready for the potty!

Logan is almost 4 years old and has a heart of gold, a sweet disposition and is stubborn as a mule. Which explains a lot about why it took FOREVER to talk him out of wearing diapers and into wearing big boy underwear. Potty boot camp started one week ago with a vengeance. And a bit of refusal, a few tears and 1 or 2 accidents. But I tried to stay firm with the plan and with the rewards and 3 days into training, we started to see results! Of course we had to promise the world (or in Logan's case, buckets of candy, a boatload of stickers and a Star Wars Stormtrooper helmet) in exchange for the toilet, but in the end, it was worth it. Now all the worry and frustration regarding potty training can be transferred to something else until it comes back when it's Meyer's turn. Which hopefully will go smoother since he'll want to be just like his big brother.

Let's hear it for my boys!

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