
fever friday and beyond!

So continues the week of the sickies! I probably started things off with my head congestion and post-nasal drip that has been going on for 2+ weeks. Then Matt had a fever and capped that week off with Poison Sumac...and then it was Meyer's turn. He woke up on Wednesday with a low-grade fever which I attributed to teething. A dropper of ibuprofen here and there seemed to help, so I thought nothing of it...until Friday came along and we had a couple sleepless nights.

By Friday, he still had the fever but it had risen, which got me thinking maybe it wasn't a teething fever after all! Why is it that my kids are ALWAYS sick on the days my pediatrician doesn't keep office hours? So off to immediate care we went...and so glad we did, as Meyer was diagnosed with a double ear infection. Poor thing. We have been so lucky so far...this was my first experience with an ear infection. One dose of antibiotic did the trick...Meyer slept through the night and was more himself. 9 more days to go!

Then at 3:00am on Saturday morning, it was Logan's turn for a fever. Another visit to the Take Care Clinic confirmed he has a virus so we have to let it run it's course. As for me, I'm finally feeling better, so let's hope today is the last day of the sickies!!!

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