
took today off.

I was supposed to do an easy 3 miler today, but I decided to take today off. Not feeling it today...but I'll be right back on track tomorrow- I promise!

Yesterday was a 6 miler. I haven't run that distance since the summer- and man it felt great!! Best of all, I was able to keep up my pace throughout so I was super proud. YAY! I completed it in 58:25- around 9:45/mile. I tacked on an extra mile to my neighborhood route. So now I'm pretty confident that I can finish the shuffle at or under my goal of 50 minutes. The only thing is that my right leg has been bugging me. I can't put my finger on it, but I get a dull little twinge every so often in my shin. It didn't hurt at all yesterday- before, during or after my run, but it was bothering me a little today. I'm trying not to think about it...plus it's not bad, just more annoying, so I don't think it's anything to worry about.

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