
rip my brooks.

The day has come for me to retire my Brooks Trance running shoes. :( I will miss them. I have made so many memories in these shoes and they treated me very well. But the top of my right foot has been hurting me during my past few runs so I know the shock isn't being absorbed anymore. I did today's run in my old NBs and no foot pain. So my suspicions were confirmed. Au revoir, my dear Brooks. You'll be missed.

In Logan news...the boy has been learning SO many new things!!! I'm so proud of him. He started saying "girl" a few days ago. We call our dog Cami-girl sometimes and I guess he picked up on the girl part so now he walks around saying it. Yesterday, Matt was watching Daytona qualifying and Logan picked up another word...yep, you guessed it. Car. Big surprise there...insert sarcasm. I'm surprised car wasn't his first word! I'm trying to teach him more...but it's looking like one word at a time is the way it's going. I was reading about milestones during the 17th month, and he should be able to stack two blocks. I think he can do this too, because he can stack 2 jumbo legos together also. My baby is getting so big...I can't believe it!!

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