

Hello and goodbye to Halloween, 2010! Halloween should fall on a Sunday every year...it's such sweet anticipation for that trick-or-treating climax and it should last all weekend long. This is the first year that Logan really "got" Halloween, so it was lots of fun for us this year. We had 3 parties to attend so it was the perfect excuse for Logan to rotate his 3 costumes: a Star Wars Clonetrooper, Spiderman and Superman. He is going through quite the superhero phase, as you can probably tell. Dressing up for Logan is fun, but it's nothing compared to the treats. Logan is an absolute candy kid and was hopped up on sugar all week and weekend too. Some fun memories of our family this weekend:

* Matt's super-sized strawberry margarita when we went out for Mexican with friends. $20 worth of frozen fruity goodness!

* A sweet brother photo shoot to commemorate Logan's 4th birthday and Meyer's 18 month birthday. Some highlights:

* We sold our bedroom furniture!! Now to finalize plans for our new, cozy haven. Ideas coming soon!

* Logan the Clonetrooper's 2 rounds of trick-or-treating, complete with a costume change to Spidey in the middle. I think he could have gone all night, if we let him!
* Meyer the Pirate couldn't get enough treats himself. Every time someone came to the door with a candy basket, Meyer reached out as if to grab it all for himself!
Happy Halloweekend, from our family to yours!