
birthday lists. :)

Birthdays are so much fun in our house. What makes them so special is that all of our birthdays are clustered together at opposite ends of the year. Matt and Meyer are both Aries and their birthdays are 3 weeks apart (in March/April) and Logan and I are both Libras and our birthdays are 6 days apart (in September/October). We didn't plan it that way- honest. It just happened! So every 6 months, we get ready for birthdays and parties and fun!

So now I'm starting to plan Logan's parties. Yes, parties. I always told myself that my kids would only have one party for family and friends each year, but the circle of family and friends keeps growing and growing and we can't fit everyone! So we have 2 parties. It seems to work out well.

Now, birthday lists? That's a whole other topic. Birthday lists and Christmas lists are a parent's secret weapon- at least for the first 7 years. :) Logan sees something in a store and wants it? It goes on the birthday list. I've tried to clarify that just because it's on the list doesn't mean it's a done deal, but I'm sure that Logan will be performing a mental checklist on his birthday to make sure we didn't miss anything on the list. That's just the kind of kid he is. He doesn't like to lose track of anything, especially things like presents and toys.

My birthday list?? Totally different story. I really never have a list but this year is an exception.

#1- stamped charms with my kids' names and birthdates, kind of like this. Super sweet.

#2- this tiny bow necklace. I adore simple jewelry and this is right up my alley.

#3- an iTouch. I'm not really a gizmo kind of girl, but my iPod mini is almost 5 years old and that's absolutely ancient in terms of technology. So I would love a new home for all my digital music! Plus, I need a better way to keep track of everything going on in my life now that Logan is starting preschool in the fall so a portable and user-friendly calendar is a necessity.


  1. Ooh, where are those stamped charms from?!? I have wanted something like that since Sarah was a baby - I really like the way those look.
