
my 2nd half.

South Shore Half Marathon, Milwaukee, WI
April 12, 2008

<---me, trying to keep it together in the last 1/2 mile!

(thanks for the pictures, Missy!)

So my 2nd half marathon has been completed. I was SO nervous about this race. Mostly because my training was really not up to speed to complete a half. But with my consistent running over the past 6 months, I wanted to give it a shot. So I did!

This race was in Milwaukee, WI and I started my journey at 4:55 am on Saturday, April 12. As usual, I set everything out the night before, except for my bib- as I was registering when I got to the race site. I poured myself a big travel mug of coffee, made sure I had an energy bar and a banana and plenty of water and I left. In the rain. It was drizzly/rainy the entire 1 1/2 hour drive up to the race site (I made great time) and I was really dreading the weather. I'd never run in rain before and I wasn't sure how my feet would handle soaking wet socks/shoes...but it turns out that the rain should have been the least of my worries!

I arrived at the race site in plenty of time...and scored a prime parking spot. I brought a lot of gear up but ended up wearing my "uniform": my UA capris, pink NikeFit longsleeve, fleece vest, beanie, gloves and visor (to keep the rain out of my face). I also put on an old windbreaker, but ended up leaving it in the car because it was too bulky. Looking back, I should have worn it. I headed into register and was totally inspired by all the energy of my fellow runners!! I waited for Missy (she'd told me she was shooting to be at the race site by 8:00a), stretched a little, pinned my bib on and just took in my surroundings.

Missy arrived and we chatted until race time. She's a sweetheart! We were off- and about a minute later Missy headed off into the pack...a few minutes later I looked behind me and I was in the very back of the pack. I started to feel a little overwhelmed and my confidence started shaking. Maybe I wasn't ready for a race of this distance!!! But too late- I wasn't turning back now. I drove 110 miles to run and I was going to RUN damn it! ;) That's when the girl running along next to me struck up a conversation about being in the back...she promised I wouldn't be last, and she also told me that the people running this race were pretty hard core seasoned runners...so I felt a little better. I found out my new friend's name was Melissa and she was also a great running buddy- why do the best running buddies have to live in Wisconsin! ;)

The first few miles were a breeze. The scenery was phenomenal. I couldn't believe I was running right next to the lake. Wow. My time was right on par as well. I pin-pointed a pace right around 10:35-10:40/mile and seemed to be hitting it very close to that the first few miles.

Then we entered the trails. And the puddles, or ponds, as Missy calls them. OMG. See, the reason I was so worried about running in the rain was how my feet would handle it. I've never run in all out rain. Drizzle, sure, but rain...nope. I was terrified of chafing, blisters and pain in my feet. Well, as soon as I saw the first lake, panic set in...and I ran around it. I thought it was the lesser of 2 evils, until my feet sank in the surrounding mud. Yuck. So after oh, the 5th puddle, I finally surrendered and ran through it. Soak city. OMG. But after a few minutes of squish, I didn't really notice my wet feet anymore. Mind over matter, I don't know...but I kept going.

Around mile 5, I started lagging a bit. I was still talking/running with Melissa but I had to stop talking once in awhile and concentrate on regulating my breathing. I cramped up a bit, but nothing bad at all...I could work through it. We were about 1/2 way through and were already seeing runners return back- it was an out and back route. I was still going pretty strong, despite a tiny bit of discomfort. Right before the 1/2 way point I saw Missy and we gave each other thumbs up. She makes it look so easy!!

So we finally head out of the trail portion of the race. No More Ponds!! And my feet were not bothering me at all as far as blistering was concerned so that was good news. However I did need to stop to re-tie my shoes. I guess the water loosened the laces which has never happened to me. We stopped at Margaritaville for a quick recharge (one of the aid stations was Jimmy Buffett themed- it was cute!) and then the last 4 miles happened.

All I remember about the last 4 miles of this race was the relentless wind, the frozen numb fingers and the absolute struggle to put one foot in front of the other. And Missy... ;) Melissa surged ahead after a hill so I was on my own. I had vowed to myself that I was NOT walking...under any circumstances...and just kept telling myself 3 more miles, 2 1/2 more miles...I did walk twice. For about 4 footfalls each time. And then I repeated my mantra...I can DO this...and I started running again. At mile 12, my time was only around 2:06...so I knew coming in under goal was possible , but I was really struggling at this point and I was having a hard time keeping it together. But And then in the distance, with about 1/2 mile left to go, there was Missy waving to me. She ran back in those awful conditions, to motivate me to keep going. And my goodness, was she a godsend. :) Finally, the finish line was in view and I crossed it, with a time of 2:19:05 (10:38/mile). I officially shaved 7 minutes, 4 seconds off my previous half. WooHoo!!

After the race I was out of it for a bit. I followed Missy and her husband into the pavilion and tried to thaw out and collect my thoughts before heading home. It was a tough run, but I did it! I don't know what I'd have done if Missy hadn't run me in. I'd probably still be out there. Ha Ha. :) This race taught me a lot. Runners have each other's back! Pay it Forward! I can run in the rain! I can RUN!


  1. wtg, angelise!!! i think a 2:10 half and a full marathon is in the future for you one day soon :) man, i'm going to have to start looking over my shoulder!!

  2. Hey Angelise,
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