
fox trot race report, etc.

My first disappointment regarding races was bound to happen sooner or later. And it did- at my 7th race. I thought 7 was supposed to be a lucky number?

I should start off by saying that I wasn't expecting much from this 5K. After the half mary up in Milwaukee, I had a heck of a time getting back into the swing of things with my running. I guess it took a lot out of me- with the less than ample training, race conditions, etc. I was doubtful that I could come in sub 30:00. But I was hopeful.

The weather was forecasted to be crappy once again. But once Matt and I got to Batavia, dropped off Logan at my friend's house and started walking to the race, it was surprisingly pleasant, but overcast. No rain, no wind...all in all decent conditions!

Things definitely started off on the wrong foot, no pun intended. ;) I had to go to the bathroom as soon as we got to the race, ran to the port-a-potty, and forgot to lock it. DUH. A man barged in on me. How embarrassing. Then I heard over the loudspeaker that the race was starting in 2 minutes. I ran back to the start line, find my husband and friend and then we're off. Ah, I guess I got in some warming up with the walk and mad dash for the bathroom! :)

The race took place along an asphalt trail along the Fox River. Matt immediately took off ahead of us while my friend and I jogged along behind the swarm of people trying to funnel from the street to a footbridge about half the width. That definitely took some wind out of our sails and added some time to the clock. The first mile (9:52 on my watch) was another game of Frogger, but eventually things thinned out and we were able to find our pace. Gorgeous scenery, but I was a little preoccupied with my breathing and keeping pace with my friend. She's quick! Around mile 2 (9:03 on my watch) I motioned for my friend to go ahead and she took off and ended up about 20 seconds ahead of me, and that was after she had to stop to tie her shoe! I finally saw the finish line and the clock and stepped it up to finish strong. I looked at my time as I crossed the finish line and was amazed to see 28:40. My quickest 5K yet! But I forgot to stop my watch right there...I didn't stop it till after we grabbed snacks and water and started back up the street. 29:52. But that's okay- the time at the finish line was the one I'd remember!

I was on cloud nine...until we got home and I saw my time posted. :( 29:45. How could that be? So right there, the race turned into a big disappointment...but in my mind, I still accomplished a PR.

As for the other things going on in my life- it's been busy! Logan is just absolutely amazing me with his abilities. He says SO many things now. Yesterday, he said "Bye-bye, da" so he's starting to string 2 words together. When I count one, two, three- Logan says the two and three right along with me! His new favorite book is Chicka, Chicka ABC and he gets an absolute kick out of the Boom, Boom part. ;) He's having fun with friends and playdates, and I'm getting more involved in a local group here in town so we'll have a summer full of fun, the park, the pool, walks, nature...and hopefully more family time with both mom AND dad. :)

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