
training schedule.

So I'm currently training for the Shamrock Shuffle here in Chicago. I can't wait. This race is such fun! There are SO MANY PEOPLE, but that's the fun part of it. I'm running with my best friend and we'll be knocking them dead!

The day after the shuffle, I start training for the 13.1 Chicago half marathon on 6/13. My friend Mandi worked her magic and persuaded me to train and run so I am...my 3rd half marathon. I'm super hopeful that my cousin Dana comes to run with me as well. It would be such fun!

And since I already have training on the brain, what's another 17 weeks...oh, that's right- just enough time to train for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon!! Yes, I have decided to run my first (and quite possibly, my last) marathon on 10/10.